Image source: Alberta Farmer Express
In Alberta, drought is becoming more and more common while electricity prices are only getting higher. This means special attention is needed regarding the efficiency of irrigation systems. There are a few government programs that can help with irrigation efficiency in Alberta including the Canadian Agricultural Partnership grant for Irrigation Efficiency (CAP-IE), the Farm Energy and Agri-Processing Program (FEAP) and Alberta’s On-Farm Solar Management Program from the Growing Forward 2 initiative. There are a couple of government grants to utilize when upgrading or building new center pivot irrigation systems. CAP-IE provides one payment for each parcel of land (multiple parcels are possible) which can apply as:- $15,000 of the eligible costs for an upgrade on the parcel from a gravity, side-wheel or high-pressure center pivot irrigation system to a new low-pressure center pivot (LPCP) system or a subsurface drip irrigation system.
- 40% of the project cost up to $5000 for
- equipment upgrades on the parcel; or
- an upgrade on the parcel from an existing irrigation system to a surface drip irrigation system;
- new low-pressure centre pivot to replace a gravity, side-wheel or high-pressure centre pivot,
- retrofit of a high-pressure centre pivot to a low-pressure centre pivot, including booster pumps, nozzle packages and pump modifications,
- high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles and related equipment to upgrade an existing low-pressure centre pivot,
- variable-rate irrigation equipment (controllers and software),
- control panel upgrades, including base stations for telemetry,
- surface or subsurface drip irrigation to replace gravity, side-wheel or high pressure centre pivot.